Connecting to the Light Within

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Connecting to the Light Within

Karen Berg
Oktober 2, 2013
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

This week we enter the energy of Scorpio. We have just been through a whole month of kabbalistic holidays—specific windows in time when we can do spiritual work—while in Scorpio, there are no holidays. But don’t be fooled: This lack of holidays doesn’t make this month any less powerful than the last.

The energy of Scorpio is, in fact, one of the strongest in all of the zodiac, and the new moon is particularly important because the cumulative power of the month lies in the first day.

I’m sure you’ve all heard a little bit about Scorpios. With their powerful emotions and keen intuition, they have an incredible ability to “dive deep” into situations and into the unseen world. Scorpios are also known to be intense, magnetic, creative, and sensual. Even as children, they can be so driven that if you put them next to a wall, it’s as if they have the power to climb straight up it.

Scorpio is controlled by Mars, a strong and determined planet, whose energy grants Scorpios the capacity for incredible certainty. In Kabbalah, we speak about emunah, or faith in those things that are real and lasting. Scorpios have the unique potential to cultivate such strong emunah that even if something stands in the way of their original intentions, they can easily switch gears to say: “I know that that which made me change my direction is what I had to do.”

The truth is that most of the time, we have certainty in the negative, not the positive. We live in a consciousness that says: “If this is happening, it cannot be good,” instead of one that says: “This difficult thing is happening. I don’t understand it and I don’t appreciate it, yet I know that God’s love underlies everything and that I am a part of that love.”

Therefore, the goal this month is to use the strength of the Scorpio energy to see the Light in front of us at all times—to understand that the root of all good or bad things that happen to a person is the Light.

As the Rav used to say: “If a person sees evil in front of himself all the time, then everything negative will happen to him. But if he sees the Light in front of him and the good is always being purified and is developing, then everything that is good will happen to him.”

The point of what I am trying to give you is that you need to have the certainty that divineness of the Light is all good, in spite of whatever difficulties you are experiencing. Yes, you may feel sadness, you may feel pain, you may feel hurt. People around you may leave, some for good reasons and some for not such good reasons. But if inside you, you connect to the Light, then you connect to your soul. Regardless of what is going on around you, you are—and always will be—one with the Creator.
