Connecting to Your Perfected Self

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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Connecting to Your Perfected Self

Michael Berg
August 24, 2014
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

One of the beautiful things about the wisdom of Kabbalah is that it gives us the ability to know the unique Light and energy that is available to us at any given time. And by knowing what is happening, we can, as such, know what we need to do in order to receive that Light and assistance. So, what is happening as we enter into the month of Virgo, or, Elul?

There are many things the kabbalists teach about this month, but I’d like to focus on one particular aspect – the aspect of our essence, which is what pushes us to desire to change and become better.

The kabbalists teach something very beautiful and important, which is that there is an aspect of ourselves at our core – we call it our soul – which is never damaged. No matter what negative action an individual has done, that core of his or her soul is never damaged. It remains in its perfected state all the time. What happens when we act selfishly is that we put veils over that perfected aspect of ourselves, but we never damage it. That aspect of our self remains perfect all the time.

Kabbalah teaches that it is easier for us to change and transform during this month of Elul… but why? Because that perfect part of our self shines more brightly and is revealed more strongly during this month than in any other month of the year.

Therefore, going into this month, we need to know that first, there is a part of me that is perfect and is never damaged no matter what I have done, and second, that part shines more brightly now than in any other time. This month, when you want to have clarity and truly find those aspects of yourself and your life that you need to change, look to that shining Light of your perfected soul. If there are things that we want to come to know, if there are things we want to change, then that Light will come to us from the perfect part of our soul during the month of Elul; when it comes to attaining wisdom, understanding, clarity, and change, there is no better time of year for us to come to that.

We all have two aspects - the body consciousness, or that selfish aspect, and the Desire to Share, which is that perfect part of us whose energy shines more brightly during these next four weeks. If you want to connect to your better self, it is revealed to you this month. How do you connect to it? Simply by being aware of it and having a desire to connect to it.

It really is an amazing gift that is available to us. You can come to true clarity, you can come to true understanding, you can connect to your perfect self in the month of Elul. This month, the perfected part of our soul, that perfected part of our essence, shines to us and removes all the veils.
