Daily Astrology Forecast for May 26 - June 1, 2019


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Tauche noch tiefer in die Weisheit der Kabbalah ein, indem du dich persönlich beraten und Horoskope erstellen lässt.
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Unsere engagierten Lehrer*innen helfen dir, deine spirituelle Reise zu bewältigen.

Deine Anfrage
Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Persönliche Beratung - Kabbalah Centre Dienstleistungen

Persönliche Einzelsitzungen mit einem/einer Lehrer*in, um einen Bereich zu vertiefen, der dich interessiert, oder um dich dort zu unterstützen, wo du es am meisten brauchst. Die Sitzungen reichen von Beziehungen über Tikkun bis hin zu tiefem Zohar-Studium, alles speziell für dich zugeschnitten.

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Daily Astrology Forecast for May 26 - June 1, 2019

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May 26

Internal Storms

The moon is moving into Pisces for the next two and a half days. The Moon in Pisces affects mainly our emotional and internal world. Pisces is a water sign, mutable and changeable. The Moon, too, is constantly fluctuating. Putting the two together creates a challenging element for our emotional world. Adding into this mix, the moon has a challenging aspect with the Sun. This total combination can potentially awaken internal conflicts and doubts. We think one way and a second later we think something else. We doubt our desires and our goals. We doubt our instincts on where and how we should move forward. The best advice today would be to avoid making any final decisions. Allow this mercurial energy to pass before making any choice in your life. If ever in doubt, pause and wait. Ask the Light for guidance. Allow the Light to guide you and send you the messages you need. The Light is always our silent partner, we need only remember to ask for the help we need.

May 27

Take Time to Reflect -- Part One: Jupiter

In Kabbalah, we learn about the importance of looking within yourself. It is vital to discover who we really are, what motivates us in life, and examine our consciousness. In this way, we are more equipped to better ourselves and achieve true spiritual growth. When a planet retrogrades, it pushes us inwardly so we may focus on our internal work and processes. With Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in retrograde for the next few months, let us examine a planet each day and discover the areas in life that are being influenced.


Jupiter is encouraging us to re-evaluate and rethink our spiritual path and beliefs. It is nudging us to reconnect to our purpose by engaging only in actions and thoughts that will take us one step closer to achieving it. Jupiter beckons us to ask the Creator for help in maintaining this focus, each and every day. Like a flame of a candle that always moves upward, if we, too, constantly seek to reach a higher ground in our spirituality, we will always shine brightly in this world.

May 28

Take Time to Reflect -- Part Two: Pluto

In Kabbalah, we learn about the importance of looking within yourself. It is vital to discover who we really are, what motivates us in life, and examine our consciousness. In this way, we are more equipped to better ourselves and achieve true spiritual growth. When a planet retrogrades, it pushes us inwardly so we may focus on our internal work and processes. With Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in retrograde for the next few months, let us examine a planet each day and discover the areas in life that are being influenced.


Pluto encourages us to look at what lies beneath. Pluto also connects to the element of power and creates power struggles in our lives. This is an ideal time to examine all our relationships to discover any underlying power struggles. We want to reflect and look within to see our part in the struggle. What is it that causes us to react? What do we need to change? How am I going to transform this difficult interaction? The greatest power we can possess is the power to be able to control ourselves and how we react, it is then we can truly be free.

May 29

Take Time to Reflect -- Part Three: Saturn

In Kabbalah, we learn about the importance of looking within yourself. It is vital to discover who we really are, what motivates us in life, and examine our consciousness. In this way, we are more equipped to better ourselves and achieve true spiritual growth. When a planet retrogrades, it pushes us inwardly so we may focus on our internal work and processes. With Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in retrograde for the next few months, let us examine a planet each day and discover the areas in life that are being influenced.


With Saturn being in the sign of Capricorn, its home sign, we are awakened to take a second look into all our future plans and investments. Saturn is a planet that encourages us to cut back and be more mindful of where there is unnecessary waste. It teaches us to eliminate those things that no longer serve us. Take the time today to clear your path towards future growth and success. The fruits will start to appear for you when Saturn turns direct again in mid-September. 

May 30

The Risk in Being Delusional

With today’s T-Square of Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury, the challenge will be mainly in our heads. Today, our mind, thoughts, ideas, dreams, and fantasies could potentially be disconnected from reality. This disconnect could affect our communications with others. Be aware of exaggeration, losing perspective, and focusing only on the positive and completely ignoring the negative. Avoid convincing others to believe in a possibly illusionary reality that only you believe exists. Today it is very important to initiate a “reality check” before saying or doing anything. Kabbalistically, being able to connect to the ultimate reality, known as the Tree of Life Reality, can only be achieved by being able to differentiate between what is real and what is an illusion. 

May 31

Messages of Meaning

Today has the potential to deliver important and meaningful messages. Conversely, we garner the ability to communicate to others in a more meaningful and truthful way. The powerful aspect between Mercury and Pluto opens a door for all of us to express ourselves in a powerful way that can truly make a difference for others and our world as a whole. This can be manifested throughout all the fields of work. Therapists, healers, teachers, musicians, writers, journalists, and bloggers, take the time today to connect to this cosmic opening and share the messages you have to share! Seek truth and meaning in what you say. Our words have the power to uplift others and even save lives, when we use them for the good in which they were intended.

June 1 - Shabbat Bamidbar

Maturity and Loyalty

Today’s beautiful aspect between Venus and Saturn, both being in earth signs, allows us to awaken more maturity in our lives, especially in our relationships. Loyalty is another quality that is strengthened within us today. It is a great day to start growing roots and take another step closer towards commitment in our relationships. It can be a good day to speak about the issues that matter in your relationships and seek to find solutions in a mature and constructive manner. Show your loyalty today to anyone who is dear to you, taking the time to express your love and commitment to them. Our spiritual work and growth is found within our relationships. We need and rely on other people if we wish to be engaged in true and authentic spirituality.
