Embracing the Omer - A Spiritually Powerful Time


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Embracing the Omer - A Spiritually Powerful Time

Karen Berg
April 17, 2014
Gefällt mir 7 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Those of you who have joined me in my daily posts and emails over the past few weeks know that we have been going through a powerful spiritual period of time.

First, we had the 12 days of Aries, which challenged us to grow and to correct different aspects of ourselves. Then on Monday night, we experienced the Pesach Seder: a cosmic window through which we received a taste of our potential—a free gift and a powerful injection of energy for our spiritual process.

Now we have entered a new period of time that we call the "Omer," a 49-day period of spiritual testing through which we can earn and keep the Light that we received on Pesach for ourselves and for the world.

Rav Ashlag, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, wrote about global spirituality—the idea that we can restore peace to humanity through our individual efforts to overcome our own greed and ego and to share human dignity with others. Global spirituality is based on the understanding that each person has within him- or herself the Divine Light of the Creator.

As we move through the Omer, I encourage each one of you to take this opportunity to do your part in bringing about this idea of world peace. Our willingness to work on ourselves, to use the spiritual tools that we have, and to extend ourselves on behalf of others is infinitely important in the bigger picture.

We need to understand that there is a spiritual system in the universe. Our every action—in fact, our every thought—has repercussions for ourselves, for those around us, and for the world. Every challenge we encounter is there not to bring us down, but rather to test us: What we are going to do with it? How are we going to respond?

Rav Ashlag lived in a time when it was impossible to do what we can do today. We may be separated by time and space, but the online world enables us to unite so that we can build and maintain the energy we need to do our spiritual work and to grow our consciousness both independently and collectively.

Please share of yourself and your experiences online. This way, through dialogue with like-minded people, we can support one another and come closer to spreading and sharing spirituality and Light. Remember that each and every one of us, as long as we are still breathing, has a responsibility to bring positive energy to the world.

Stay tuned for my daily posts throughout the Omer as well as periodic video consciousness messages.

Wishing you love and perseverance on your journey,


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