Giving Up of One's Self

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Giving Up of One's Self

Michael Berg
Januar 9, 2016
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare 1 Teilen

In the beginning of every lunar month, there is an opportunity to take control of that month, an opportunity to plant the seeds to fill the upcoming month with blessings and Light. When we become aware of, understand, and study what Light is available and what openings are available in that month, it makes it easier for us to accomplish the purpose for which we came into this world – a life with true, lasting fulfillment. Therefore, I would like to share an understanding about this upcoming month of Shevat, Aquarius, which can allow us to create tremendous miracles; miracles which go against nature.

Moroccan kabbalists were known, specifically, to have the power to draw, awaken, create, and manifest large levels and amounts of miracles. What was it that enabled them to manifest these miracles so easily, such that they became known not just throughout their villages, but the entire country, for this ability? The answer is many-fold, but there is one understanding that can help us come to this level as well, where we too can be able to manifest miracles.

What we find unique about these Moroccan kabbalists is that they never stayed in one place. Many of them would travel throughout what are called the Atlas Mountains in the winter and summer, through heat and snow, going from village to village to help others, teach, share, and awaken miracles. They pushed themselves and went outside of their comfort zones constantly and consistently.

There is a kabbalistic concept called mesirut nefesh, which means giving up of one's self. Rav Brandwein, my father's teacher, explains the logic, the spiritual system of miracles. There is nature, which is what we know and what exists, and then there is the realm of miracles, which is going beyond the laws that govern our world. How do we access the realm of miracles? Rav Brandwein told my father that when a person changes or goes against his nature and gives up of himself, he forces nature to give up of itself, no matter what the rules are, even if, for example, the rule is that an individual should not become healed. Through mesirut nefesh, giving up of one’s self, the rules of nature can change and healing can come to a place where it should not, even if the rules of nature say it can’t.

It is impossible, therefore, to really be able to manifest miracles for ourselves or others without pushing ourselves or giving up of our comfort zones. By pushing ourselves to do what we do not want to do, we receive the great blessings and achieve the transformation for which we came into this world, specifically when we talk about miracles. The Moroccan kabbalists were easily able to create and draw miracles for themselves and others because they gave up of themselves completely; therefore, nature gave itself up to them completely.

If we want in this month to have nature adhere to us, change its rules for us, and bring healing, sustenance, and fulfillment where it should not come, then we have to give up of ourselves and our rules. What is not comfortable for us is what we need to do in order to share and assist others. This is, again, what Rav Brandwein taught my father, Rav Berg. If we want to be able to create miracles, and for the world to change its ways for us, we have to find ways to change and go against our nature for others. Then, we will receive the gift and ability to go beyond the realm of nature for ourselves and others. This is part of the great Light that is available for us as we begin the month of Shevat, Aquarius. If we want to consistently open up the power of changing nature and changing what exists in order to bring Light, healing, sustenance, and blessings to places where they normally should not exist, we have to give up of ourselves, give up of our comfort, and do what we do not want to do.

When we give up of ourselves and break and change our nature, nature itself will break itself for us, and will bring healing, sustenance, and so forth, where it does not or should not exist. For ourselves and others, this month offers a great opportunity for change, a great opportunity for miracles, a great opportunity for blessings, and I hope that each of us takes these opportunities and manifests all of this Light for ourselves, those around us, and the world.

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