Going Down Into the Source of Chaos

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Going Down Into the Source of Chaos

Michael Berg
Februar 27, 2014
Gefällt mir 3 Kommentare 1 Teilen

We are entering into the second month of Pisces, or Adar II. As Abraham writes in the Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Formation, every month was created with the essence of one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And through understanding the essence of that letter, we can understand the gift that is available to us in that month.

The month of Adar was created with the letter kuf, which is the only letter in the alphabet that goes below the baseline. So, what does that mean for us this month? It means we can actually go to the source, the root, of our chaos. While the gift of the other months is the ability to shield ourselves from chaos coming towards us, the unique gift of Adar is that just as the kuf goes under the line, we too go under - into the source of chaos in our lives - to be able to completely uproot it. The opportunity to go into that space comes only once a year, during this month. That is what makes Pisces so special.

However, as long as we are stuck blaming other people for our problems and situations, we are remaining stuck in chaos. We have to begin to understand that we are the reason and the cause if there is negativity in our lives; if there is pain in our lives, it stems from our own root. And as long as we blame others for our problems, we are still stuck in chaos. This is why it is important that we stop considering only the symptoms of something. Because if we only remove the symptoms, we still haven’t removed the cause of those symptoms, and therefore, the symptoms come back and it begins all over again.

This month, when you find yourself frustrated or depressed and blaming others for your problems, stop and ask yourself: "What next level is the Light pushing me towards?" The Light does not send us difficulties just to make us miserable. On the contrary, only through being pushed and tested can we reach our highest potential. So, embrace the uncomfortable this month. Know that it's not about the other person or situation. It never is. It's about you and the transformation waiting to unfold.

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