The Healer Within

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The Healer Within

Batsheva Shouster
April 10, 2021
Gefällt mir 10 Kommentare Teilen

When we refer to this month of Taurus (or Iyar in Hebrew) as the month of healing, it means that this month contains an unusual infusion of Light-force. Iyar as an acronym stands for “I am God Your Healer,” meaning that the energy of healing is awakened from within us. Healing is a state of being where all the elements in our body are unified, working in balance together. It is unity between the organs in the body and unity between body and soul.

How can we take advantage of this energy this month?

The ruler of Taurus is Venus, who is connected to the world of Malchut, the physical world we live in. It is the planet of love and money. Because of this, it shows us how we define ourselves socially, give love to others, how we work in relationships, and how we value money and ourselves. This month, Venus can help us balance the relationships in our lives.

As the month begins, Venus is in the sign of Aries the conqueror. This sign is very affectionate and free to love and express themselves. Though, they are not so careful in spending money. Yet, under the influence of Venus, we can learn about true love, how to care for one another, and how to understand their needs. Love is about unity and circuitry between receiving and sharing. We may come to understand that others have different needs from ourselves.

Venus starts the month with an accurate square to Pluto, intensifying our emotions. This aspect is an opportunity for us to observe the mental energy of our love lives and consider how we approach them. Do I have inner obstacles I am struggling with? Do I allow myself to open my heart? What am I searching for in my relationships? We may also feel more willing to learn about ourselves through our romantic challenges. This is the perfect time to notice our perception of relationships and align them before Venus enters Taurus, its rulership, on April 14th. Then, on April 22nd, it will go conjunct with rebellious Uranus, which will end what is not in alignment with the Light, human kindness, respect toward each other, and mutual growth. This energy will allow us to heal in all areas connected with love and relationships.

As Venus is with love, it is also with money. Under the influence of Venus in Aries, we are more likely to spend money. But with Pluto and Uranus breathing down our necks with their aspect with Venus, the universe is telling us to check our belief systems and act accordingly.

What do we want to do with this information? And what is the right thing to do?

Well, another interesting aspect is the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Saturn is about boundaries, rules, limitations, and what is right and what is wrong. While Uranus is about breaking away from any boundaries. This creates tension between what we want and what we need to do. To find balance, we must realize that there is room for both. Sometimes we can escape and relax, and sometimes we need to take responsibility. The important thing to remember is to always be truthful about who we are and what our truth is.

Both Taurus (as we are in the month of Taurus, and Uranus is in Taurus) and Aquarius are fixed signs that carry a lot of stubbornness. Try to see the truth in others (we all carry part of this universal truth). It is a good time to enjoy freestyle dancing, the flow of yoga, or anything that helps you to move freely and allow energy to flow within you. Stagnation can create obstacles.

With Jupiter and Saturn in social, smart, and idealistic Aquarius, and the innate abilities of Taurus, we can start to consider how we can go outside of the box to make the world a better place. Then put it into action.

Have a great month, everyone!
