How Can I Embrace My Differences? 3 Tips About Your Unique Power

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How Can I Embrace My Differences? 3 Tips About Your Unique Power

Adaptiert von Monica und Michael Bergs Podcast Spiritually Hungry. Anhören und abonnieren hier.
Februar 6, 2023
Gefällt mir 16 Kommentare 3 Teilen

There is an interesting duality that most of us experience in life. On the one hand, we want to feel special and one-of-a-kind, and on the other, we want to fit in and be accepted by our peers. We may try to hide or deny our differences for fear of ridicule or criticism. But our differences are connected to the unique Light we are meant to reveal in the world. Learning to accept the parts of us that we try to conceal is a key part of our spiritual work.

Here are 3 tips to help you embrace your differences and find your unique gift:

1. Look at the areas you conceal most about yourself to find where your greatest superpower is hiding.

Most of us understand intellectually that our differences make us unique, but we still have trouble fully embracing them. It takes work and self-discovery to proudly share our differences with the world. Yet, it is a journey worth taking. We can reframe our differences and use them as a source of strength and power.

Our superpowers exist in the areas of ourselves we are uncomfortable with, where we are most unique and most different. Take a moment and think about how you are different and how you feel about being different. What are you afraid of letting others see about yourself? What invokes fear of rejection in you? This is where your superpower lies.

Have the courage to embrace the parts of yourself that are different or challenging at times. That voice that says you aren’t good enough is just a roadblock to your ultimate success. Go to the places that scare you and be willing to see the parts of yourself that you are uncomfortable or insecure with as the path to the Light. Know that it is an opening to reveal the beauty that resides inside of you that you are meant to show to the world.

2. Know that you are the only one who can reveal your unique Light that the world needs.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that each of us is unique, and that comes with responsibility. The world has waited millions of years for you to come into this world, not to do what others do, but to reveal the unique Light that only you can bring forth. It is a special job that no other person, past or present, can do. The only way to accomplish this is by embracing the parts that make you different.

When trying to do good things in the world, most of us gravitate towards positive things that are easier to accomplish but shy away from the one area that is most important because it is also the area that is most difficult for us. Our soul’s purpose is tied to the areas that are most challenging. The question is not how many good things have you done or how much have you accomplished, but how much did you tackle the difficult things? That is where the most Light is revealed.

3. Don’t give up on revealing your Light. It takes perseverance!

Transforming ourselves for the better is difficult work. Most people try once and fail and give up. Even very spiritual people get tired or lose their perseverance. Real change requires choosing over and over again to keep trying until it becomes part of who you are. It doesn’t happen overnight. Our unique Light has to be worked on with perseverance every single day. Unless we do that and invest the time and effort, it is so easy to veer off.

Ask yourself, “What am I doing every day to transform, so I am able to reveal unique Light every day?” Keep going back to find the parts of you that you are hiding and work on sharing them with the world. There are no shortcuts.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that every person is meant to experience life with endless blessings in all areas. As we find and transform and embrace the parts of us that are the most challenging, we open up all the gates that allow these blessings to enter our lives. We are not meant to hide our true selves in order to please other people. By revealing who we really are, we can create a lasting positive influence in the world and find more joy within our lives.

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