If there’s a spectrum between not caring at all about what others think of us and constantly worrying about how we are perceived, most of us fall somewhere in between. We all have moments where we’re concerned about how we look, what someone will say about us, or how we come across. Even people with big egos who behave as if nobody else exists are usually masking insecurity or care.
It’s important to have people in our lives who we trust to give us feedback and show us what we need to work on, but when we become consumed with pleasing or impressing others, we prevent ourselves from focusing our energy and growth in ways that bring lasting fulfillment. Diminishing how much we care about what others think and say about us is one of the most important parts of our spiritual work, allowing us to live the life we’re meant to live.
Here are 4 tips to stop seeking validation and start hearing your soul’s voice:
1. Assess how much time you spend worrying what others think.
We don’t often realize how much of our day is spent thinking and worrying about how others view us. Do any of the following scenarios feel familiar to you: replaying a conversation in your mind where you said something that made you look stupid; dwelling on something negative someone said about you, even if it’s not true; going to great lengths to avoid disapproval; being afraid to ask for something you want; worrying you won’t be accepted or loved if anyone knew something about you that you don’t want them to know? These are all instances in which we care more than we should about other people’s opinions of us.
Start to notice throughout the day when thoughts like this pop up. Check-in with yourself and ask, “Today, how many minutes or hours did I spend caring what others think and say about it?” Having this self-awareness is the first step towards shifting your mindset.
2. Choose to spend your daily energy manifesting your potential instead of worrying about how you’re perceived.
We have a limited amount of mental and physical energy in the day. Every ounce of energy spent worrying about what others are thinking, saying, and doing is energy stolen from your ability to manifest your potential in the world. That energy can be used for the amazing things you are meant to accomplish and the groundbreaking ideas you are meant to have.
The next time you start to feel yourself ruminating over what others think of you, remind yourself that you are stealing time and energy away from the power of your soul and your ability to reveal your unique Light. Focusing on manifesting what our souls came into this world to accomplish pushes aside all other thoughts, fears, and doubts.
3. Get in touch with your truest desires.
As children, we are curious, simple, and confident. Then, as we get older, we start to lose our certainty and sense of self. We stop doing what we want to do because we’re worried about what others might think or say about us. But this holds us back from manifesting the fulfillment, joy, and authenticity we are meant to experience.
It’s important to reawaken our most important relationship: the one with our true soul’s essence. Take some time each day to get in touch with yourself. What is it you really want? What would you do if no one would judge you for it? Then make the decision to go after it!
4. Block out the voices of others so you can hear the Creator’s voice.
Imagine two people are trying to have two different discussions with you at the same time. It’s nearly impossible to give both exchanges the focus and engagement needed to carry the conversations. This is the spiritual and physical reality for each of us. The universe is talking to us all the time. The answer to every question we have and all the support we need is always being sent to us, but we aren’t usually able to hear them because our focus is elsewhere. If we’re focused on other people’s opinions, we can’t hear the voice of the Creator.
Your soul’s voice is like a whisper. Right now, your soul is giving you all you need, but the whisper is likely drowned out by all the other loud voices around you. When you mute the other voices, that whisper of your soul becomes the only voice you hear. From there, you can gain all the answers, support, direction, and fulfillment you seek.
True freedom means being free from what others think or say about us. Shaking off the opinions and judgments of other people gives us the space and liberty to be who we really are. It allows us to pursue the things that matter to us, live authentically, and reveal the power of our soul’s potential. Dedicate your life to caring less and less about other’s opinions about you. In doing so, you will tap into the most powerful part of yourself and live the life you are meant to.