Connecting to Lag Ba'Omer

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Tauche noch tiefer in die Weisheit der Kabbalah ein, indem du dich persönlich beraten und Horoskope erstellen lässt.

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Unser engagiertes Team ist hier, um Dir mit Deiner spirituellen Reise zu helfen.

Deine Anfrage

Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

Buche deine Horoskoplesung

Persönliche Beratung - Kabbalah Centre Dienstleistungen

Persönliche Einzelsitzungen mit einem/einer Lehrer*in, um einen Bereich zu vertiefen, der dich interessiert, oder um dich dort zu unterstützen, wo du es am meisten brauchst. Die Sitzungen reichen von Beziehungen über Tikkun bis hin zu tiefem Zohar-Studium, alles speziell für dich zugeschnitten.

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Connecting to Lag Ba'Omer

Kabbalah Centre
Mai 20, 2019
Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare Teilen

This Wednesday, May 22, is Lag Ba'Omer, the day that Rav Shimon bar Yochai, the author of the Zohar, left the world. This particular point in time gives us a great spiritual opportunity: the opportunity for renewal, to be who we are, and to reach greater heights. Here are some of the ways you can connect to Lag Ba'Omer and the Zohar on this day: 

A Zohar placed in any location becomes a source of protection because Light and Darkness cannot co-exist.


A Zohar placed in any location becomes a source of protection because Light and Darkness cannot co-exist. It was our founder Rav Berg’s dream to have a Zohar in every home, on this day more than any other try to find time to share a Zohar with a stranger, you never know what miracles might come from it. 


The kabbalists teach that by reading and listening to a reading from the Zohar, in its original language of Aramaic, we awaken the very energies we read about, revealing Light for ourselves and the world. For the first time ever, tune in as Kabbalah Centre instructors read from the Zohar. Read or scan along as you listen to the words and experience a new level of connection. For more info, click here.


On this night, Kabbalah Centres from all around the world will be coming together to celebrate the Zohar. If you are near a centre, join us for a night filled with lectures, good food, live music, late night studies and more! To find an event near you, click here

Lag Ba'Omer offers a great spiritual opportunity: the opportunity for renewal.


For the first time ever we will be having an all-inclusive live stream, combining the highlights from all of our centres into one. Don’t miss a beat with this all-night live stream filled with study, music, special lectures, miracles stories and more! For more info, click here.


We are happy to announce that our next Zohar Project volunteering opportunity will be in Boston from Thursday, June 27th – Monday, July 1st.  This is a great opportunity to connect with our community around the world and share the power if the Zohar. To register, click here.


The Zohar Project shares the Zohar worldwide for the purpose of revealing spiritual Light in the world. With your support The Zohar Project organizes volunteers to share Zohars with police stations, charitable organizations, fire stations, schools, and government offices in cities throughout the world, while also creating opportunities for volunteers to share the Zohar in everyday life around their own communities. To donate, click here.
