Making Space for Miracles

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Making Space for Miracles

Kabbalah Centre
Dezember 15, 2014
Gefällt mir 4 Kommentare Teilen

We are in the middle of a giving season—a month of blessings, miracles, and sharing. At this time of year we tend to look for miracles and attribute them to the season. In reality, everyday is a holiday; everyday is filled with miracles. It isn’t always easy to spot the miracles around us. We can become blinded by cynicism or feel convinced that miracles are simply happy coincidences. The challenge lies in believing in our ability to make space for miracles to enter our lives by creating openings.

Making space for miracles requires a shift in perspective. We often think of them as rare occurrences, blessings that save us in the eleventh hour. However, Michael Berg explains that, “The outlandish aspect of miracles is really more a function of our expectations than of the happening itself.” When we begin to expect miracles, indeed, when we intend for them to happen, we clear a path for more miracles to enter our lives.

For many of us, believing this requires us to alter our thought process, which is difficult; it means challenging our instincts. Most of us are naturally curious people, seeking understanding and answers to life’s mysteries. Yet, our first instinct is to doubt that a miracle has occurred because it feels illogical. Stepping outside the limits of logic is exactly the thing we need to do in order to make miracles happen.

Recognize miracles for what they are. Many people prefer to chalk them up to lucky coincidences or synchronicity. It seems easier to believe that life is a chain of random events, than to accept the possibility that the world contains a higher reality. Recognizing miracles means believing in the impossible—believing that the impossible is possible—that is, believing that extraordinary events do and should happen everyday. It means seeing the hand of the Creator in not only the great blessings we receive, but in the small ones, too. If we look for them we’ll soon find that miracles happen all around us everyday.

Believe in your ability to create miracles in your life. We are meant to become channels for the miraculous. In doing so, our lives become more fulfilling. “To begin,” says Michael Berg, “you must look at yourself in an entirely new way—not just as someone who wants to resist negativity or intends to restrict selfish desire or aspires to share with others, but as someone who has already attained that level of being.” By shifting our self-perception, we create space for miracles to enter our lives and the world, at large.

When we desire miracles in our lives, we need only make space so that they may enter. “It is not about praying to God,” says Michael Berg, “but it is really about creating that opening…it is really important to not just see what we're lacking, but to see where there's an opening, to really pay attention to opportunities, to notice things. And through that, create the opening for the miracle that we desire to come into any area of our lives, whether it be love, money, children, or just a happier future.” Practically, to draw miracles into our lives, we shift our focus on finding the small openings. If something is 99% likely, but we desire for it to not occur, then we only place our thoughts on that 1% opening. By doing this, you create space for the miracle to happen. Shifting our perspective, clears the way for the miraculous to overflow into our lives.
