Never Too Late

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Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

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Never Too Late

Karen Berg
Oktober 26, 2012
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In this week’s Bible reading, Abraham becomes the leader of a great nation when he is 100 years old. Now you and I might consider this to be a rather dramatic life change to undergo at such an old age, especially since there are probably those among us who, at 40 or 50 years of age, might say, “Change? Me? Why? Half my life is over with. I’m too old for that!”

However, if we look at the lives of many great leaders throughout history, we will see that some of them didn’t even start their careers until they were in their mid-40s. In fact, many of the people with the greatest accomplishments in this world were leading completely different lives until they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps in middle age and made a change.

This week’s energy challenges us—no matter what our age or how far we think we have come—to break out of our comfort zone and to accept responsibility for the Light we have come to share with the world.

The truth is that each of us has been given x amount of time in the physical body that houses our soul. Oftentimes we have the ability to do great deeds in this world, but every time a new opportunity is handed to us, we shy away from it and say, “Nah I’m not ready for it” or “I’ve already done that“ or “I don’t trust that to be the way I have to go.” When this happens, however, the universe asks: What can I do to push this person to the wall so that the Light inside of him can be drawn out and shared with the world? How can I bring this person to change?

Abraham was one of the greatest astrologers of all time. According to what he saw mapped out in the stars for his future, he knew that he would have no children. But we know of course that he did. The point here is that the Creator told Abraham: The stars compel but they do not impel. Because of his spiritual transformation—at the age of 100—Abraham was able to change the course of his life.

This week, it is important that we know that we can change the direction of our lives. Not everything that is mapped out for us in the heavens needs to play out. It is written that each of us has angels that either dance or cry in our presence, but whether they dance or cry is entirely dependent on the words and deeds that we choose to say and do.

At the Kabbalah Centre, we learn to utilize the tools of astrology and face- and palm-reading. Right now, I am on tour for the launch of my latest book, To Be Continued: Reincarnation and the Purpose of Our Lives, which discusses these subjects. Yes, these are amazing tools, but it is important to remember that the reason we use them is to find out if the tide is high or low, if the elevators representing the different aspects of our lives are going up or down. We should never use these tools to declare unequivocally, “This is how my life will be,” because, as we learn this week, we can always change!

All the spiritual tools we have at our disposal are simply there to help us understand where we are at and what we can do. It is up to us to choose to turn our divine potential into reality through our inner transformation and sharing actions.
