Pisces: Reveal What's Concealed

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Pisces: Reveal What's Concealed

Monica Berg
Februar 27, 2023
Gefällt mir 6 Kommentare 3 Teilen

There's a saying that when Pisces (Adar) arrives, joy increases! According to Kabbalah, this month is flooded with extra light and happiness in the supernal realm.

Yet the tricky part is this: Pisces tends to be satisfied with life as it is. In a way, this is a wonderful and admirable trait--to be content with our lot in life! And those born under the sign of Pisces have a good excuse for being comfortable with the status quo. Since this month is the last in the Kabbalistic calendar, Pisceans are like the parents of the zodiac. They've "been there and done that" through the culmination of all the other signs. But as Kabbalah teaches, it is DESIRE that propels us forward the most, and that helps us grow!

Pisces lives between two worlds. Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, the energies of this sign are in some ways opposing forces (but remember--opposites CAN attract and create alchemy!). Pisces is ruled by two planets with very different characteristics. Jupiter, the mythical king of the Roman deities, represents growth, learning, expansion, and success. Meanwhile, Neptune, the mythic ruler of the waters, relates to the more esoteric realms. The result? We want to act, yet we want to dream. We want to be happy and desire more out of life, yet our desires may seem hidden beneath the depths of those sometimes-murky Piscean waters. Yet we can channel these forces for our benefit: using that supernatural perception to uncover what's been hidden and bring it to light--both for ourselves and for the world!

Continue reading on my weekly blog at rethinklife.today

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