Purim - Transforming Our Chaos

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Purim - Transforming Our Chaos

Karen Berg
März 8, 2012
Gefällt mir 4 Kommentare 1 Teilen

This week, we have the holiday of Purim when we can awaken the understanding that the energy of the Light is always present in our lives, both in our darkest hour and in our brightest times. As sure as the sun rises every morning, the Light of the Creator is absolutely there for us and will be there for us until eternity. If we forget this, then we slip into a state of doubt, and when we have these doubts, we can never receive the miracles or the joy that we are looking for in our lives.

If you have ever spoken to people who have overcome an addiction, they will tell you that their first step in the process was to admit they were addicts. In other words, if they doubted that they had a problem, there was little they could do to remedy it.

In the same way, if you’ve ever dealt with any sort of lack in your life, you may know that it is nearly impossible to change it unless you can identify the source. When we are in denial or confusion about an issue, we cannot apply a solution. But if we are sure of what needs to be changed, then we can fix the problem.

Similarly, if we want to be able to harness the infinite Light and energy available in the universe, we first need to be certain of its existence. Our certainty in the infinite goodness of the Lightforce is what activates its power in our lives.

Without certainty, the power of the Light remains in potential. The stronger our certainty, however, the stronger our connection. This week, the energy of total certainty is available for all of us.

I’m not talking about the certainty we have when things are wonderful and harmonious in our lives. I am talking about the certainty we must have when everything appears to be going wrong, when people that we think are closest to us deceive us (or we feel that they have deceived us), or when people have hurt us. This is the time when we need to say to ourselves, “I am with the Light.”

Because really, whether we are sick or healthy, whether we have money or we don’t, whether we have a decent relationship or not, we always need to remember we are players in the game of life. And if we aren’t willing to walk through fire, then we are not interested in playing the game.

Every life has chaos. There is no such thing as a life without chaos. The question is how do we handle the chaos, what do we do with it, how do we make it work for us so that we become better human beings because of it.

Every challenge is there for us for only one reason: to help us gain the energy to climb the ladder of spiritual growth. The problems we face are simply a way to help us reach a higher level of enlightenment. The Creator will never give us more than our capacity to balance and to change—we can be certain of that.

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