Taurus (Iyar)

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Taurus (Iyar)

Kabbalah Centre
Dezember 19, 2012
Gefällt mir 9 Kommentare Teilen

Taurus is a fixed sign, ruled by Venus (Noga, in Hebrew), and the Hebrew letters Pei and Vav. Taurus' inner energy is fire, as it is the left column of the earth signs. Because Taurus is an earth sign, Taureans are in a constant search for stability. They are typically self-employed business owners, which places them in "control" of their money and property. Taureans have a very strong will to purchase and buy property, houses, land and real estate – all in order to support their need for security. Taureans are very capitalistic, jealous and possessive. They will frequently experience the loss of money to learn to let go of the physical world's hold over their lives.

Taureans are talented doctors, astrologers, artists, chefs, singers, and of course, businesspeople. The Hebrew name for the month is Iyar, which stands for "Ani Hashem Rofecha" – "I am God, your Healer." This offers us all the ability to awaken healing processes during this month. The signs that best suit Taurus are water signs: Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, or the earth signs: Virgo and Capricorn.

Taurus is associated with the thyroid gland and the neck, best known by their "stiff-necked" stubbornness.

The entire month of Taurus falls during the period of Sefirat Haomer (the Counting of the Omer). During this time we count 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot, and each day gives us an opportunity to correct negative things we did in our past. These 49 days are seven times seven different levels of negativity, all leading up to the revelation on Mount Sinai and Immortality, accessed on Shavuot. It is a time in which we can earn the Light that we received on Pesach and prepare ourselves for freedom from all forms of endings – in relationships, business, health, and all aspects of life.

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Guide to the Month of Taurus

Assets of a Taurus:

Loyal, consistent, patient, tolerant, dislikes conflict, friendly, non-judgmental

Main motivation:

"Don’t push – leave me alone."

Challenges (and how to transform them):

Avoids changes involving self
Visualize negative consequences of not changing. Ask the Light to help create pressure to change within.

Stubborn, fixed, afraid of the pain of change
Look for opportunities to change. Move away from set ways and listen to others more.

Runs away from pressure
Welcome the pressure. Great Light manifests through great stress.

Own comfort comes first
Real comfort comes from being willing to be uncomfortable. Ask the Light for the strength to see the Light within the challenge.

Too involved in self-image
Stop indulging yourself. Get busy sharing. Don’t take your time on earth for granted.

Doesn’t like to make waves
Confront issues when they arise. Restrict the desire to flee from confrontation.

Believes everything is fine, even when it’s not
Everything is fine only when you’re working on transforming yourself.

Attached to home and familiar surroundings
Each change in living situation or job is a new incarnation, so welcome in the new.

How to Improve Your Relationship with a Taurus:

  • Show love, affection, and empathy
  • Don’t push right away
  • Refer to the consequences of not changing
  • Keep the pressure on them
  • Help them to discover the illusionary comfort of physicality
  • Encourage and support change

How a Taurus will find fulfillment:

  • Loving themselves less and others more
  • Being more sensitive to the needs of others
  • Going out of their comfort zone to help others
  • Genuinely caring for another human being
  • Pushing themselves to fulfill their biggest desire
  • Thinking of global manifestation rather than security

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