The 72 Names of God: Appreciation

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The 72 Names of God: Appreciation

Karen Berg
Januar 30, 2015
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

It is so easy to be consumed by our goals to the detriment of other aspects of our life. How often have we said or thought, “When I am 60, I’ll finally be able to enjoy my kids and my family and all the things I would have done if I had only made the time”? How many of us go through each day just to get to the next day or to the time when we will finally be able to live and share and be and do all that we are destined to do? How many of us put off living because we are so busy trying to catch up?

This kind of consciousness—this “living for tomorrow”—is in itself a form of bondage. It is a form of working towards something that may or may not happen. But there is an alternative.

The alternative is to inject appreciation and joy into the life we are living right now.

Today, let’s live in appreciation.

Imagine a world in which every person would simply get up in the morning and say, “Wow, I have eyes to see and hands to feel! Thank You, God!” Then just imagine how the positive energy that ripples outwards from each individual with this kind of consciousness will eventually alter the mass consciousness.

72 Name #63

Affirmation for the Day:

I meditate upon all of the blessings and support granted me by the Creator. Infused with the energy of appreciation and gratitude, I send positivity and Light to others [envision specific individuals in your mind’s eye and to the world.
