The Beauty of Our Soul

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The Beauty of Our Soul

Karen Berg
Juni 11, 2012
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

Kabbalistically the body is like the earth, and the soul is the part that has to be cultivated and nurtured to be fruitful. The only way that our soul can bear fruit in this world is if we give ourselves an opportunity to listen to it. In other words we need to make a proactive decision to connect with that part of ourselves that is beyond physicality—our soul.

What happens most of the time, however, is that we are so busy doing things—work, people, business, family—that we don’t allow ourselves the time to see the beauty that’s inside, the time to talk to our soul and to ask it what it wants from us.

I read two inspiring stories this week. One was about a young woman who started a library for homeless children so that they could read before they went to bed. The other was about a young woman from a Somali community in Minnesota who established a foundation to give others from Somalia the same educational opportunities that she had had. Both of these people managed to reach beyond themselves to bring something powerful into the world—which is essentially our mission as human beings.

The Creator did not put us here simply to live, reproduce, and die. He gave each and every one of us a specific job to do to make the world a better place because we have lived in it. This doesn’t mean that we have to become activists or change every instance of chaos that we see. What it does mean, however, is that we need to nurture that special something within—our soul—that gives us the ability to go beyond our base nature. What is our nature? To think only of ourselves.

Interestingly the paradox of life is that when we think only of ourselves we are never satisfied. For example we could have eaten the best meal in the world and walk out of the restaurant and say, “Wow! This was a great place to eat.” But ask us about this fabulous meal a month later and most likely we won’t even remember it. But what if we go to a restaurant with a friend and give the friend something that helps her or perhaps the friend shares something with us. You can be sure we are going to remember this meal. Why? Because there was sharing involved, and the reason we’re here in this life is to practice sharing in both big ways and small—just like the young women I read about this week.

Our job is to manifest our soul in this physical world. Otherwise there’s no purpose to our life; otherwise we could be animals and we are not. Let’s not forget that our body is only a garment—and that we connect to the Lightforce only through the beauty of our soul.

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