We come to this world to learn how to become beacons of Light. To learn how to share with one another, to give selflessly, and to live with a loving heart and a generous hand. Kabbalah means “to receive,” yet we are here in this world to give. This is the great paradox of life: In order to receive, we must learn how to give. This is where the spiritual teachings of Kabbalah assist us in showing us a path to fulfillment -- even greatness. We came to this world to learn how to become beings of sharing and to develop the “God gene” within us. The Creator created this beautiful world so that we may be afforded the setting in which to accomplish this spiritual mission. Giving, at first, can be a challenge. We may feel we lose when we give. We may be afraid if we give then we will be left without. But our source of blessings and fulfillment has never been found in the things we receive. Surely, we all have seen people who seemingly have everything life can offer yet remain unhappy. Ironically, true fulfillment comes from accomplishing our spiritual mission in this life. It is then we become creators ourselves, and this transformation is what brings us the happiness we long to achieve. This paradox is the fog we peer through throughout our lives. Many great people in history discovered the power of sharing, and they devoted their lives to teaching this secret. This week, we are shown our path to greatness. The energy intelligence of the week beckons us to learn the way to our heart’s truest calling and to become a great Light in the world. We are given the keys to receive everything. For it is in the giving that we receive. It is in the service to humanity that we accomplish our mission on earth, and in the process, experience our greatest fulfillment.
"We are shown our path to greatness."
This week, our guide to the cosmic energy is the portion Tetzaveh. It is a very unique portion in that nowhere is Moses’ name mentioned. An irreplaceable character simply seems to disappear. How could such a pivotal person be missing? This portion of the Bible falls in the month of Pisces, not accidentally. The energy present this week works synergistically with the month’s current celestial influence and our weekly portion. They all are designed to help humanity in our journey in life. Moses was a Pisces. He was known to have elevated to a state of half-angel, half-man. Moses had lived his life with such compassion and care that the Creator chose him to help the Israelites, and all of us, on our spiritual journey. Moses lived a life of humility, service, and care for others. In this way, he was able to receive everything. Moses was able to have a connection to the Creator like no human had before. At one point in the Israelites’ journey, the Creator wished to destroy them. The Creator felt they were not redeemable or able to ascend further spiritually. But, Moses intervened. He prayed for them. He asked the Creator, “But now, please forgive their sin – but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.” That book is, of course, the Torah, that accounted for all that had transpired, including the Ten Utterances and everything the Creator had given humanity, complete with Moses in the center role. Moses was willing to be removed from all of existence in order to help save the Israelites. The Bible tells us, “There was no other prophet who arose in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” The highest soul on earth cared so deeply for others, he was willing to be completely erased. It was his plea to leverage himself in order to save others, and it worked. The Creator listened to Moses and gave the people another chance. In addition, the Creator did not blot out Moses’ name from the Bible, only in this one portion of Tetzaveh that occurs in the month of Pisces. It is from this portion that we are gifted the strength to serve and help our fellow humankind. In fact, it is said by the kabbalists that this is the portion in which we can receive the totality of the greatness of Moses to support us in our journey, because it is in this portion that he made himself so small. Another great paradox. Moses’ name does not appear in this portion, yet he shines here even brighter. It is in his service for others, his care for humanity, and his willingness to receive nothing that he was able to rise to greatness.
"What does it mean to be a true leader?"
What does it mean to be a true leader? What does it mean to be great? How do we have our name remembered for thousands of years by future generations? What do we have to do in order to achieve our soul’s mission and live a life of joy? Thankfully, there was already a Moses and we do not have to be him. We do not have to become an angel, either. We have come to this world to be happy. We have come to the world to receive, and Moses has shown us a way. Our path is laid out before us. It is through humility and care for others, not only ourselves, that we open the gates to abundance of all forms. It is when we wish to serve that we become a leader. It is when we are willing to become small that we can become great. It is when we give that we receive it all.
This week in your meditations, welcome Moses into your heart. When a loved one is no longer with us, they are no longer bound by the limitations of physicality, and therefore they are able to help us in a limitless, boundless way they never could before. Speak to Moses, this week. Ask him for guidance on your path. Ask him to bestow upon you the qualities of love, care, and service. Ask Moses to help you on your journey to your own level of greatness. We were brought to this world to give as much as we can, and how beautiful it is that this is how we end up receiving everything.
This article was originally published in 2019.