There's No Time Like Slow Time

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There's No Time Like Slow Time

Monica Berg
April 3, 2023
Gefällt mir 1 Kommentare Teilen

Today is Day 8 of the "12 Days of Aries," which aligns with the cosmic energy of Scorpio. It's a day for connecting with compassion for ourselves and others and for finding our inner calm (insert deep breath here!). And one way to do that is by tapping into what I like to call "slow time."

The doorway to slow time lies in that still, immovable present moment beneath all flurry and worry and emotional roller-coastering in our lives. Like the canvas under the painting or the silence behind the notes in a song, slow time is found in the spaces between. Tapping into slow time means leaving the constant whir of our thoughts and entering into the non-thoughts that hold them together. The passage into slow time is, in a sense, a doorway into eternity, since the now really never begins or ends. It just IS.

The idea of time as moving in a linear way is a construct of our own making. And let's be honest--that broken water heater or the bumper-to-bumper traffic may want us to speed up, not slow down, our experience. Yet, as the Rav often said, "Consciousness is everything." Therefore we can choose where we want to expand or contract our experience. The old adage that "this, too, shall pass" is a great reminder that whatever is happening at any given time is only a blip on the screen of eternity. That frustrating traffic, like everything else, is temporary. Likewise, there's no "pause" button we can push to stop time (contrary to what cosmetics companies tell us). But we can pay attention more deeply. And when we consciously do so, we begin to perceive the more lasting qualities of the moment.

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