Three (Intentional!) Steps for Reaching Your Goals in 2023

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Three (Intentional!) Steps for Reaching Your Goals in 2023

Monica Berg
Januar 9, 2023
Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare Teilen

It's a new year! A clean slate. And we rang it in with a flourish, didn't we? The crowds gathered, the ball dropped, and fireworks flashed across the globe in hourly increments. Yet flourishes aside, the energy of this time remains at peak potency. It's a time when we can look back and see how much we've grown... and then look forward with a renewed sense of our intentions and desires yet to be realized.

So intentionally speaking, how's your year going so far? You've had a whole four days to get things rolling. What have you decided to leave behind? What will you bring forward into 2023? Do you feel energized, charged, and optimistic? Have you shifted all gears to go?

Chances are, most of us may shift up or down (or left or right), but in the long haul, we're likely to stay the course pretty much as it is. In fact, a new UK study found that two-thirds of those who made New Year's resolutions last year had abandoned them by February. And earlier studies suggest that only around 9% of all people who make resolutions will keep them. Why? What is it that makes it so difficult to keep ourselves on track with the positive changes we seek?

It has to do (at least in part) with intention (or lack thereof). It's easy to say that you want more money or a better job, for instance--but have you thought about why you want this or any other goal you've set? What is the intention behind the goal?

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