Words and the Unseen Reality

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Words and the Unseen Reality

Miriam Ashkenazi
Juli 17, 2015
Gefällt mir 6 Kommentare Teilen

“We have to keep in mind that the physical reality has no relevance except to act as our interference to execute free will. There is nothing but consciousness. We get in our own way – consciousness is all that we are about.” – Rav Berg

In the beginning of this week’s portion of Matot-Masei, it says: “Everything that comes out of his mouth shall be done…”

Every week the universe gives us a different gift. The universe gives us an opportunity to access a higher level of consciousness and ability to connect to a unique power that can help us in our spiritual progress in life.

This week’s portion deals with the spiritual laws of vows and teaches us a lot about the power of words.

What a strong power words have!

Don’t we all know that words are powerful?!

Words create reality; words can connect us with each other and our loved ones or disconnect us and create greater separation. Words can build or words can destroy. Words influence people; words help manifest great ideas or completely demolish them. Words can help win elections and put much power in certain hands. Words can make everyone cry and move people in an unspoken way… When we stop to think about it, we can see how powerful words really are.

We all know that we should be careful about what we say, as our words can have physical ramifications and consequences in our lives and our environment. But what are the spiritual effects of our words? How do they affect our connection to the Light? How do they affect our ability to draw down miracles and blessings into our lives?

Everything that comes out of his mouth shall be done… The kabbalists reveal a great secret in this sentence.

According the Zohar, every word we speak never goes away. Every last thing we say goes up to the upper worlds and keeps on influencing us. Every single word we say stays forever!

According to Kabbalah, in the same way that we each have a physical home – that protects us and connects us to many blessings in a physical sense – we also have a spiritual home, a spiritual structure. Every day of our life, through our actions and more important our words, we add Light or darkness to that structure. This spiritual home is affected every day of our life, accumulating the words we’ve used – and keep on using every day – until we leave this world.

The Zohar reveals that when a person leaves this world his soul resides in the spiritual house that he has created.

Words of anger, disappointment, or hate – words that we often say without thinking – add or subtract Light from our spiritual structure, our spiritual ‘home’.

So the next time that we say something and we think to ourselves, So what if I just said that? I’m taking it back… nobody heard me… they’re just words, I didn’t do anything – let’s stop and try not to focus only on what we see with our eyes and the physical ramifications of our world. Let’s remember that there is a whole unseen world, and that any action or word that we use can add more Light or add more darkness to this world. Let’s remember that our spiritual structure provides us with protection and connection in the unseen realms, where blessings and miracles come from.

This spiritual structure, the kabbalists teach, is where our soul will reside when we leave this world. What kind of house would you like your soul to live in? What kind of house would you like to create?

Think about it, before you say anything…
