Oktober 29, 2014
Oktober 3, 2014
Join Karen Berg as she shares about the power of Yom Kippur and how we can cleanse all negativity therefore connecting to the best version of our self during her welcome address at the Yom Kippur 2014 in Israel.
"On the tenth day of the month of Tishrei, Binah and Malchut join forces: The Upper and Lower Kingdoms unite into a single entity. The Zohar reveals that the Sefira of Binah is the source of everything. It is the consciousness that led to the realization of all the galaxies in the universe and of course to the realization of our world as well." - Rav Berg The Creator arranged the universe in such a way that once a year Binah, our energy reservoir leaves its realm and appears in ours. The extent to which we connect to this storehouse of energy depends on the level of consciousness we reach leading up to and including this day. By disconnecting from the physical realm through following the five prohibitions, such as eating, drinking, and utilizing our prayers and meditations we can elevate to the level of Binah and acquire the spiritual abundance we need for the coming year. Join Karen and Michael Berg as they share wisdom on the holiday of Yom Kippur.