Dezember 11, 2013
In this lesson, Rav Berg decodes the story of Nadav and Avihu. Nadav and Avihu were two of the sons of Aaron the High Priest. They were killed after performing an unauthorized sacrifice in the Tabernacle. Making the connection with how this story has meaning and relevance to our lives today, the Rav explains about the process of Creation, the power of these two incredible souls who would later reincarnate in Pinchas and Elijah the Prophet, why this portion is read on Yom Kippur and the opportunity the assistance that Nadav and Avihu can provide us with during this week's Torah reading.
Mit bisher wenig verfügbaren Vorträgen aus den Archiven des Kabbalah Centre sind die "Einsichten von Rav Berg" deine Gelegenheit, dich mit vielen der wichtigsten Lehren von Rav Berg zu einer Vielzahl von Themen zu befassen, darunter Wochenabschnitte, Neumonde, Feiertage und mehr!