Dezember 11, 2013
We live in a world of differences where separation appears to be the norm, but as Rav Berg explains, this is an illusion. At its core, our world, even through all of it's diversity, has the same core. The month of Gemini presents us with a unique opportunity to fuse the Light with the dark and just as a candle is lit in a dark room it removes darkness, so to do we have the opportunity to eliminate darkness from the world during the month of Gemini.
Mit bisher wenig verfügbaren Vorträgen aus den Archiven des Kabbalah Centre sind die "Einsichten von Rav Berg" deine Gelegenheit, dich mit vielen der wichtigsten Lehren von Rav Berg zu einer Vielzahl von Themen zu befassen, darunter Wochenabschnitte, Neumonde, Feiertage und mehr!