Noach: Creating Protection in a Time of Chaos

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Zohar Klasse mit Eitan Yardeni

Noach: Creating Protection in a Time of Chaos

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 12, 2013
Originalaufnahmen: Oktober 4, 2010

Gefällt mir 4 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Of the four kingdoms (inanimate, vegetable, animal and human) only humans can exercise free will
  • Our collective selfish actions create chaos, earthquakes, floods and all types of negativity 
  • Noah’s flood refers to negative imbalances such as financial, hatred and environmental and not just a physical flood
  • Creating our own personal Noah’s Ark
  • Plugging into the energy of the flood with our own negative thoughts 
  • The Hebrew work for "Ark" also means "word" or "speaking words" 
  • In the time of Noah everything was provided with little effort 
  • The seed of all negativity is laziness according to Rav Moshe Luzatto
  • Losing our incentive for effort and developing a mentality of the victim
  • Jealousy and sexual overindulgence before the flood 
  • The tools we can use to build our own Ark
  • Noah didn't see the flood, but the Angel of Death 
  • Guarding ourselves from and fearing the Angel of Death
  • The negative environment around us and how it affects us
  • When we think we are invincible we cannot maintain our protection 
  • Three weapons we can use to build an ark: Unity, One Common Desire and the Hebrew letters 
  • The Tower of Babel used these three weapons
  • Confusing the language of the people of the Tower of Babel
  • The mission of the Kabbalah Centre is to maintain a common purpose of  removing pain and suffering from the world with the sharing of the Zohar 
  • Our consciousness and maintaining the spreading of Light as a priority 
  • Unity is built on the understanding we can learn from everyone involved in our common purpose 
  • Noah was liked by God; being Liked by others is a goal of the ego 
  • Rav Ashlag on our ability to create peace: "To do" by being busy helping others and to "Not do" by running away from our ego 
  • Receiving more Light rather than receiving admiration from others


Eitan shares the story of Noah as a prelude to the Ark of protection available for us today in the form of the Zohar.  The same tools that Noah used are as potent in leading us anew into an ark of protection.  In this era of chaos we are living, the relevance of Eitan's message is most powerful and practical.

Über diesen Kurs

Der Zohar, der vor 2.000 Jahren von Rav Shimon Bar Yochai geschrieben wurde, erklärt alle Geheimnisse der Bibel, des Universums und jedes Aspekts des Lebens. Der Zohar-Kurs ist eine wöchentliche Reise, um die Energie und die Herausforderungen zu verstehen, mit denen wir während der Woche konfrontiert werden, und wie wir unser Bewusstsein vertiefen können, um Chaos in unserem Leben zu verhindern.

Die Lehrer*innen

