Lech Lecha: Looking for Clarity

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Zohar Klasse mit Eitan Yardeni

Lech Lecha: Looking for Clarity

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 12, 2013
Originalaufnahmen: Oktober 12, 2010

Gefällt mir 5 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Lech Lecha means "Go out from you" 
  • The first recorded time the Creator speaks to a human being
  • Abraham is the first one to teach the concept of one Light or one force called the Creator 
  • The first words Abraham hears is "go away from you” representing our responsibility to move out of our own negativity
  • The Light does not need us to change the world, but to transform ourselves 
  • The word “wicked” means our old level in comparison to our next one 
  • Rav Ashlag leaves behind all his possessions, his titles and his environment to go to his next level, opening the Kabbalah Centre for the world to learn this wisdom
  • Looking for clarity 
  • Willingness to move into the unknown is the way to grow
  • When we are about to leave the world our body no longer has control allowing the angels to give us the clarity to see the context of our life and actions 
  • We do not need to wait until death to become conscious of our negativity 
  • The four angels who put us through a process of removing our klipot (negativity) following death
  • Removing our negativity in our own lifetime 
  • We are in control of our environment 
  • Our body consciousness is formed in large part by the thoughts of the parents at the time of conception 
  • Breaking away and out of our natal body consciousness 
  • Staying with our genetic influences or moving toward our soul's potential 
  • Enabling others to become enlightened and receiving strength and protection from above 
  • Receiving divine inspiration as a result of helping others transform according to the Ari
  • Rav Yosi's desire for wealth by studying Torah and the lesson it has for us 
  • Doing actions for the sake of tangible rewards or taking action based on a desire to cleave to the Light


With this portion of Lech Lecha, Eitan urges us to awaken our consciousness to a desire to embark, like Abraham, on a journey of transformation. When we leave behind our familiar level of comfort, we allow our soul's potential to manifest. Our willingness to risk the unknown and move toward a new level of awareness will enable us to see more clearly our purpose in life.

Über diesen Kurs

Der Zohar, der vor 2.000 Jahren von Rav Shimon Bar Yochai geschrieben wurde, erklärt alle Geheimnisse der Bibel, des Universums und jedes Aspekts des Lebens. Der Zohar-Kurs ist eine wöchentliche Reise, um die Energie und die Herausforderungen zu verstehen, mit denen wir während der Woche konfrontiert werden, und wie wir unser Bewusstsein vertiefen können, um Chaos in unserem Leben zu verhindern.

Die Lehrer*innen

