Vayera: Positive Jealousy

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Vayera: Positive Jealousy

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 12, 2013
Originalaufnahmen: Oktober 18, 2010

Gefällt mir 3 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Vayera signifies a new level of consciousness 
  • The secret behind Abraham's desire to sit by the entrance of his tent 
  • Circumcision also signifies a new level of consciousness, allowing the soul to reach its potential 
  • The Light sends an intense heat wave to induce Abraham to rest and heal and enjoy his new level 
  • Abraham rejects the Light's "rest" in order to not miss his next opportunity 
  • Abraham's intense desire to share creates the three Angels that appear at his tent
  • Understanding our vulnerability to becoming stuck in our present level
  • Resting in our achievements leads to a loss of continuity and attracts imbalance 
  • Abraham teaches us to continually chase after the next level of enlightenment 
  • Stagnating at our level of achievement leads to depression and negative jealousy 
  • Lust, pride and jealousy lead toward death 
  • Jealousy among scholars leads to wisdom 
  • Negative jealousy or positive jealousy
  • The main cause of negative jealousy is laziness 
  • Chasing opportunities to share and the Light's gift: a person who needs us to share with them 
  • The true essence of the binding of Isaac: we must all go through the process of binding 
  • Creating a central column by binding our natural inclinations and turning them into balance 
  • A sharing person needs to restrict his or her overabundant giving and develop judgment: A judgmental person needs to restrict his or her judging and develop mercy 
  • When our central column is strong we act according to what is right rather than what is natural for us to do 
  • The numerical value of "jealousy" is the same as "mikveh": (positive) jealousy is a cleansing tool


The portion of Vayera is our starting point to employ "positive jealousy" by emulating Abraham's desire to sit at the gate, not in anticipation of our next level, but as a means of chasing after it. Eitan builds our consciousness to accept the challenge to keep moving and not settle for our current level of spiritual enlightenment. The way to experience fulfillment is to constantly run after the Light. Abraham teaches us how to reach above the stars and bring real transformation into our lives.

Über diesen Kurs

Der Zohar, der vor 2.000 Jahren von Rav Shimon Bar Yochai geschrieben wurde, erklärt alle Geheimnisse der Bibel, des Universums und jedes Aspekts des Lebens. Der Zohar-Kurs ist eine wöchentliche Reise, um die Energie und die Herausforderungen zu verstehen, mit denen wir während der Woche konfrontiert werden, und wie wir unser Bewusstsein vertiefen können, um Chaos in unserem Leben zu verhindern.

Die Lehrer*innen

