Dezember 12, 2013
September 13, 2009
Each year on Rosh Hashanah we have the tools and technology to eliminate chaos- from traffic jams to financial or health crisis- from our lives and the world. Join Rav Berg as he shares his dream of a world free from chaos and how each Rosh Hashanah brings us closer to achieving this goal. At no other time in history has an entire generation had access to the tools and technology of Kabbalah. It is only through our combined consciousness, connections, responsibility and effort that we can finally and completely remove chaos from the world.
Mit bisher wenig verfügbaren Vorträgen aus den Archiven des Kabbalah Centre sind die "Einsichten von Rav Berg" deine Gelegenheit, dich mit vielen der wichtigsten Lehren von Rav Berg zu einer Vielzahl von Themen zu befassen, darunter Wochenabschnitte, Neumonde, Feiertage und mehr!