Ki Tisa: Acknowledging The Light in Others

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Zohar Klasse mit Eitan Yardeni

Ki Tisa: Acknowledging The Light in Others

Veröffentlicht: Dezember 19, 2013
Originalaufnahmen: Februar 14, 2011

Gefällt mir 7 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • The true intention of Moses' 40 days & nights on Mount Sinai
  • Reaching immortality: bilah hamavet hanetzach
  • The Mixed Multitude (Erev Rav) ignite doubt into the consciousness of the Israelites
  • The energy of the Mixed Multitude within us
  • Feeding the energy of the Mixed Multitude with our cynicism, envy, hatred and depression
  • The Golden Calf is the result of the lack of certainty
  • Counting the people by the use of the half shekel
  • The connection between the half shekel and the Sefirot, the Desire to Receive and the Desire to Share
  • Manifesting immortality through the two tablets received by Moses
  • The story of the Baker and the Beggar
  • Destroying another person’s certainty
  • The test of when we feel empty and lacking
  • Infecting others with our negative mindset
  • True love: synergy of energy of the Three Column System
  • Channels for Chesed, Gevurah and Central Column/Tiferet: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
  • True love sees beyond differences through the power of unity of purpose and mission
  • The Chevre as examples of the power of true love
  • Seeing the gifts of another that are missing in ourselves
  • Our Opponent will tempt us to see what is wrong with others
  • Valuing others and respecting their efforts toward a common goal
  • Love cannot exist where there is no respect
  • The example of a building on fire: valuing everyone no matter the quality of their talent 
  • Receiving from the Light and not others
  • Love as a part of our nature
  • Loving unconditionally is an expression of certainty
  • Testing and earning true love
  • Investing in friendship among those who are working toward the same goal and vision
  • Examining where we need to apply balance into areas where we are stuck in imbalanced relationships
  • Limiting through counting: counting the half shekel
  • Interdependency: we are like the half shekel and need others to bring about completion
  • Moses needed Jethro to complete their mission
  • Scanning the Zohar for peace in the Middle East


The story of Ki Tisa discusses the Mixed Multitude (Erev Rav) and the creation of the Golden Calf. Eitan explores how the energy of the Mixed Multitude within each of us that stalls and halts any continuity of blessings in our life. Our willingness to engage in friendship with people who share a common vision of true love and human dignity is the only way to restore these blessings. True love asks us to go beyond our selfish desires and acknowledge the Light in others.

Über diesen Kurs

Der Zohar, der vor 2.000 Jahren von Rav Shimon Bar Yochai geschrieben wurde, erklärt alle Geheimnisse der Bibel, des Universums und jedes Aspekts des Lebens. Der Zohar-Kurs ist eine wöchentliche Reise, um die Energie und die Herausforderungen zu verstehen, mit denen wir während der Woche konfrontiert werden, und wie wir unser Bewusstsein vertiefen können, um Chaos in unserem Leben zu verhindern.

Die Lehrer*innen

