Januar 2, 2014
Juni 26, 2009
The Red Heifer was available as a tool of cleansing during the second year that the Israelites were in the desert, but it is not spoken about in the Torah until 40 years have passed and after Korach challenged Moses' leadership of the Israelites. Moses was also accused of sleeping with all of the wives of the Israelites and through this embarassment was able to receive the keys to immortality. Michael reveals that this Shabbat we have the opportunity to beg Moses to give us the gift of the consciousness that the removal of death can occur.
The idea that everything must, at some point, come to an end is a false construct of our reality. If all energy exists forever, only changing forms, then we can elevate our thinking to see the continuity in any perceived ending. This week, we can access the thought pattern of continuity and begin to see our lives from that vantage point.