Lesson 6: Kabbalists of Morocco and North Africa: 1300 CE - 1882 CE

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Kabbalists Around the World

Lesson 6: Kabbalists of Morocco and North Africa: 1300 CE - 1882 CE

Veröffentlicht: Januar 22, 2014
Originalaufnahmen: August 28, 2013

Gefällt mir 3 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

Kabbalists of Morocco and North Africa from 1300 CE - 1882 CE:

  • Moving and being lost: revealing sparks of Light in many places
  • Three major historical places kabbalists lived:
    • Israel: the source and antenna of holiness for the world
    • Poland and Ukraine: Light revealed through happiness, joy and wisdom
    • North Africa and Morocco: Light revealed through simplicity
  • Morocco:
    • Rav Amram Ben Diwan, 1840-1882 CE: miracles created through certainty
    • Rav David U Moshe, 1800’s CE: feeling the pain of others and going out of our comfort zone
    • Lala Sulika, 16th or 17th century CE: strength and conviction in the Light
    • Rav Shalom Buzaglo, 1780 CE: importance of scanning The Zohar
    • Rav Raphael Hamalach, 1750-1825 CE: the body of a tzadik remains intact after death
  • Algeria: Rav Ephraim Enkaoua, late 1300’s CE: miracle of protection from a lion
  • Libya: Rav Shimon Levy, 1500’s CE:
    • Writer of the song, ‘Bar Yochai’ which we sing at the Kabbalah Centre every Friday night
    • Helping others rather than chasing his dream
  • Tunisia: Rav Isaac Chai Taieb, 1750-1840 CE: unaffected by Bread of Shame


Join Meir as he shares inspiring stories about the kabbalists of Morocco and North Africa, where Light and miracles are revealed through simplicity, love and appreciation for The Zohar.

Über diesen Kurs

Learn selected teachings from the lineage of Master Kabbalists including the Baal Shem Tov, Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk, Rav Zusha of Anipoli, Rav Berg and others on a variety of topics that will help you become more aware of your potential and spiritual process to overcome challenges and take your life to the next level in this six lesson course with Meir Yeshurun.

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