September 26, 2023
September 23, 2023
Kabbalists teach that we receive a new, elevated soul on Rosh Hashanah and it takes the time between then and Yom Kippur for it to manifest. Join Michael as he shares how we can stay in and maintain an elevated level of consciousness to keep us from falling back to last year's soul level, and hold on to the great Light, blessings and soul that we received on Rosh Hashanah.
The Light of the Creator is a pure, sharing, merciful force. Its desire is for us – all the souls of humanity – to receive of Its Light, more than we could ever imagine or think we deserve. This week, the energy of Ha’Azinu brings us back to that pure state our soul had in the endless, of the Light simply sharing, and us receiving. That abundance of Light is available for us to draw in, without the need of any work or effort; just our pure desire and awareness of it.