Korach: The Path to the Tree of Life

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Korach: The Path to the Tree of Life

Veröffentlicht: Juli 8, 2024
Originalaufnahmen: Juli 6, 2024

Gefällt mir 11 Kommentare Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • All the ways of war, chaos and pain in our world are the consequence of separation
  • Connecting to the Tree of Life means living in the abundance of the Light at all times
  • We need 22.000 souls to transform the world into a single reality of unity
  • Taking upon ourselves the work of humanity
  • Fixing the fundamental disunity of the world
  • Our soul needs to fix the great separation
  • What is our purpose in life?
    • 1. I only exist because I am part of the whole 
    • 2. Shifting from being to nothingness
    • 3. Going into the world to find the sparks of Light
  • We are part of everything that exists
  • Refraining from wanting to exist in a reality of separateness
  • We are the world
  • Working towards living the consciousness of nothingness, which truly connects us to the Light of the Creator


During the Shabbat of the portion of Korach, Michael Berg delves into practical ways of connecting ourselves to the path of the Tree of Life, and reminds us to continuously jump every day towards elevating ourselves into unity consciousness.

Über diesen Kurs

Every emotion and desire has a duality to it. Even jealousy has a positive aspect, when used to fuel our efforts toward earning what we desire. With this week’s energy of Korach, we can draw inspiration from the Light others may have in their lives and put into action what we can do to manifest that energy in our lives. When you combine effort with patience, you allow the Light to be revealed in the Divine timing it’s meant to be in your life.

Die Lehrer*innen

