Lesson 7: Being in the Flow

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Kabbalah 5
A Deep Kabbalistic Study on the Formation of the Universe

Lesson 7: Being in the Flow

Veröffentlicht: März 10, 2025
Originalaufnahmen: Februar 22, 2021

Gefällt mir 2 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Being in the flow
  • There are two types of capacity to handle energy that exists within our soul
    • Kelim De’igulim - Circular vessels
    • Kelim Deyosher - Linear vessels
  • In the circular vessels there is no curtain, and they are much more elevated, such as connection, open heart, oneness, flow, quantic, love, pure channeling, connectivity in the oneness
  • The straight line vessel is a code for a hard and difficult process, such as challenges, fragmentation, not getting what you want, issues, and obstacles
  • The circular vessels build their flow from how we handle difficult moments, uncertainty and challenges:
    •  Using restriction, pausing and seeking the more positive and loving actions, going through tests while being in the heart
  • Not judging or doubting the times when we feel the straight line (the tests and difficulties in the process)
  • As we move forward on the elevation of consciousness, we have to go through the next level of difficulty, new levels of challenges and darkness, to move forward and upward
  • Chaos occurs when someone is trying to avoid the process and challenges – which decreases and slows their level of evolution
  • Not taking the elevation so easily or with pride, we ought to be humble on each step of growth and evolution
  • Restricting when not feeling so well gives us great strength


The Holy Ari, Rav Isaac Luria, explains the two types that our soul has to handle energy, Kelim De’igulim, know as circular vessels, and Kelim Deyosher, known as linear vessels.  In this lesson, Eitan delves into these two levels of processing life situations, and how to remove chaos and further challenges in the process of evolution. Kabbalists teach that the goal is to always being in the flow of the heart while seeking that state after challenges, pain, and mistakes.

Über diesen Kurs

10 Lesson Course. New lessons added weekly! | The next step on our spiritual journey is a deep dive into the most profound teachings of two of history’s most illustrious and elevated kabbalists, Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari) and Rav Ashlag. Having earned wide acclaim for his prodigious capacity for spiritual study and understanding, the Ari wrote a historic commentary on the Zohar that explained some of the most important kabbalistic ideas and practices used today, including the concept of tikkune, or correction of the soul. Rav Ashlag founded The Kabbalah Centre and dedicated his entire life to bringing the wisdom of Kabbalah to anyone willing to learn. His wisdom and teachings paved the way for modern kabbalistic thought and practice.

Die Lehrer*innen

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