A Night of Supernal Purification

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A Night of Supernal Purification

Veröffentlicht: Juni 7, 2024
Originalaufnahmen: Mai 26, 2023

Gefällt mir 29 Kommentare 1 Teilen

Höhepunkte des Kurses

  • Understanding why we celebrate on the 6th day of Sivan and why it does not make sense historically
  • Becoming purified by the Supernal Waters
  • Entering the Garden of Eden and partaking of the Tree of Life
  • Receiving spiritual connection, wisdom, direction and elements of eternal life
  • Protecting the Supernal purification that we receive
  • Guided Meditation: Supernal Waters Flowing Upon Us
    • Seeing Supernal Waters raining upon our soul
    • Thinking of our negative aspects: thoughts, actions, words, fears, doubts
    • Directing the Supernal Waters to flow upon us, remove the negative aspects, and purify us
    • Seeing our pure, shining soul
    • Promising that we will protect the purification
    • Entering into the middle of the Garden of Eden and partaking of the Tree of Life


Kabbalists teach that Shavuot is a night of Supernal purification for our soul. Join Michael as he shares how the Supernal waters shower down and purify us, so that we may enter and partake in the Tree of Life for drawing peace, protection and eternal Light into our lives. 

Über diesen Kurs

Kabbalists teach that over 3,400 years ago, the entire world experienced the Revelation on Mount Sinai. For that brief moment, the true spiritual reality and the physical reality became one. Every year on the evening of the sixth day of the month of Gemini (Sivan) we can reconnect with the same energy of the Revelation at Mount Sinai through prayer and a special reading of the Torah Scroll. These connections awaken and ignite the energy of immortality.

Die Lehrer*innen


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