März 24, 2020
Februar 19, 2019
• Any blockages in life mean deficiency of Light in the areas where our consciousness needs to be purified
• There are two main mitzvot that purify our consciousness = love and stay away from ego (do and not do)
• Believing the ego is the cause of a big drop in consciousness
• Every spark of Light we reveal shifts our consciousness (meaning every restriction we do)
• Studying Torah is one of the most powerful mitzvoth to awaken sparks of Light that help us purify our body consciousness
• Fighting the desire to react through negative behaviors is a powerful way to elevate sparks of Light
• Realizing that our blessings are so disproportional to our effort, we never get results according to what we do
• Victim consciousness is thinking that the reward and results we receive are low compared to the much effort we put in
• We have to be detailed oriented in this world and do our maximum effort
• People get tested so they realize that their blessings have nothing to do with their effort because the Light makes most of the job for us when we give the best we can
• Consciousness is how we feel
In pages 108-115, Chapter 6 of the book, The Thought of Creation, Rav Ashlag explains that studying and applying Kabbalah elevates and purifies our consciousness transforming our ego desire.
Rav Yehuda Ashlag, der 1922 das Kabbalah Centre gründete, verschriftlichte alle Erkenntnisse, die er aus dem tiefen Studium der Kabbalah gewonnen hatte, in mehreren Werken. Eines der kraftvollsten und inspirierendsten ist "Der Gedanke der Schöpfung". Es hilft uns, die Dynamik der physischen Welt zu verstehen und gibt uns ein Werkzeug an die Hand, um unser Bewusstsein auf die ursprüngliche Absicht des Lichts für unser Leben zu lenken.