Maira Graber

Veranstaltungen & Kurse



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Deine Anfrage

Kabbalistische Astrologie-Horoskop-Lesung

Das astrologische Horoskop hilft uns, unsere Seele kennenzulernen und den Erfahrungen, die wir machen, den Menschen, die wir kennen, der Arbeit, die wir tun, und den Weggabelungen mehr Bedeutung und ein besseres Verständnis zu geben.

Buche deine Horoskoplesung

Persönliche Beratung - Kabbalah Centre Dienstleistungen

Persönliche Einzelsitzungen mit einem/einer Lehrer*in, um einen Bereich zu vertiefen, der dich interessiert, oder um dich dort zu unterstützen, wo du es am meisten brauchst. Die Sitzungen reichen von Beziehungen über Tikkun bis hin zu tiefem Zohar-Studium, alles speziell für dich zugeschnitten.

Beratungsgespräch buchen

Maira Graber

Born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Maira has an extensive background in theater, dedicating 21 years of her life to working as an actress, director, and theater teacher. She holds a degree in journalism from Pontifical Catholic University in Rio and is the creator of the “Expression-Consciousness” method, integrating theater and Kabbalah for self-knowledge and personal development.

Maira’s interest in Kabbalah began with her grandfather, who studied the ancient wisdom. She started her own study in 2001 at the age of 20. Through Kabbalah, she has experienced a profound transformation, gaining deeper understanding, a greater sense of life responsibility, and a profound connection with the Light and energy of miracles and protection.

After volunteering at the Centre, Maira began giving introductory talks in 2010 and officially became a teacher in 2011. Teaching Kabbalah is a continuous learning journey for her, and she cherishes witnessing the positive transformations in her students' lives. Influenced by her journey in theater, Maira is known for her sense of humor and didactic approach, making complex concepts accessible through everyday examples, informality, and human warmth. Her personal goal is to see a world where people realize that the true battle is internal and that love is the ultimate answer.

Maira currently lives in Rio de Janeiro, where she teaches Kabbalah both in person and online. She is happily married with one child.

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